Tag Archives: Recycle

Recycling in the rubber industry is almost as old as the rubber industry Charles Macintosh in 1820, just one year after starting to produce rubber raincoats, needed so much rubber that he could not import it. His research colleague Thomas Hancock found a new solution for him. Hankook built a machine that ground the rubber waste generated during the sprinkling production process and then integrated these rubber fragments into our rubber blocks and re-introduced them into the production process Hancock called this machine a “mill” because it basically shredded the tire into smaller pieces; But this device was more commonly known as the “pickle”. However, during the easy recycling period, the tire had a short life. Vulcanization The process of making the rubber compound resistant to the weather conditions, which made it possible to reach new rubber industries, made it more difficult to recycle the rubber. Once the mixture is…

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