Instructions in using DEG ,TEG ,MEG

Instructions in using DEG ,TEG ,MEG

Instructions in using this chemical

Non flammable 

  1. Contact of diethylene glycol with the eye causes inflammation, eye irritation, eyelid inflammation but is notstable.
  2. -In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water
  3. -To prevent contact of this substance with the eyes, resistant safety glasses and face masks should be used
  1. Eating ethylene glycol affects the central nerves and causes confusion. If swallowed, the stomach should be rinsed with water.

  2. This substance is also in the antifreeze of your car. It is cheap and looks extremely simple. It has a moderate level of toxicity, however its sweet taste can cause a person to consume it incorrectly and as a result ethylene glycol becomes a more dangerous oxalic acid due to metabolism. Keep this substance out of the reach of animals as they may confuse it with food.

  3. Death occurs slowly if a large amount of ethylene glycol is ingested, and the body systematically becomes obsolete within a period of 72 hours. The treatment is to prescribe oral alcohol (ethyl alcohol) because alcohol will compete with ethylene glycol for absorption in the body and will prevent its absorption.

  1. If it comes in contact with the skin, it may cause irritation

  2. In case in contact , wash the contaminated area with plenty of water. Be sure to see a doctor if the irritation is severe

  3. Gloves and appropriate clothing should be worn to use for skin contact

  1. It produces toxic fumes when burned.

  2. In this case, the poisoned person should be transported to the open air

Packaging and storage of triethylene glycol

Triethylene glycol is stable, non-corrosive and has a high flash point. However, keeping this substance at a high temperature can damage the glycols. Therefore, temperature control in the storage area is important and do not let the ambient temperature exceed 49 ° C. The above product is stored in aluminum and non-corrosive containers. For transport, it is recommended that the TEG have the least amount of air contact