Tag Archives: Chemistry

In ancient world substances of plant or animal origin were called organic matter, but today organic matter can be synthesized through industrial and laboratory methods and with the help of minerals. In Asian cultures, the meaning of the word “organic” is related to living organs and any creature that has multiple instruments, components, or organs. meanwhile humans are constantly exploring their surroundings, it can be said that carbon is an integral part of nature, and to identify and study nature, we must first examine the most detailed element of nature, which is carbon. Organic chemistry is one of the special courses in the field of carbohydrate research. Organic Chemistry 1 is one of the special courses that first examines hydrocarbons and their related chain and ring compounds and by processing the chemical reactions of these molecules opens the way for more extensive research in the field of these valuable compounds.…

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Different and diverse properties of organic and inorganic chemicals have caused the need to use these materials over time in various industries such as oil and gas, agricultural industries, water treatment, health industries, etc. This issue has led to an increase in the production of raw materials. Chemical in the world. The production of organic and inorganic chemicals on a global scale in 2020 _2021 increased by 1.2% compared to the same period last year, and the major share of growth was related to the countries of Asia The manufacturing of chemical materials and products helps to achieve the goals of the country’s development programs by producing the inputs required by other economic sectors and with a lower proportion of receiving inputs from other sectors. Increasing the amount of non-oil exports and increasing the average annual growth of the country’s value-added is one of the positive consequences of the growth…

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