Success does not happen overnight , it requires long-term focus and you have to persevere in challenging and difficult situations. Steadfastness is the key to making money in a job. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. It builds positive habits in the long run that help you gain over time. But success does not happen overnight , it requires long-term focus and you have to persevere in challenging and difficult situations. Steadfastness is the key to making money in a job. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. It builds positive habits in the long run that help you gain over time. All successful businesses record the details. By recording accurate and detailed reports, you will understand the financial situation of your business and what potential challenges it will face. Just knowing this gives you time to develop strategies for overcoming obstacles that may hinder your success and progress. Competition builds the best results. To be successful, you must not be afraid to study and learn from your competitors. They may be doing the right thing, which you can use to make more money in your business.